The Bucket Strategy

Manage your finances and secure your retirement!

Living Benefits Testimonials

Life Insurance with Living Benefits has helped thousands of clients.

Real clients, real stories. Don't just take our word for it!
Watch our real clients tell their amazing and inspirational stories. 

Cornelia Steinberg's Story

"You don’t know what’s around the corner."

Cornelia Steinberg didn’t think she needed life insurance. Her ex-husband earned good money in his job, and she figured that if anything ever happened to her, her daughter would be well taken care of. However, once Cornelia’s friend and adviser explained the reasons that owning Living Benefits life insurance made sense for her, Cornelia immediately saw the value as a “no-brainer”. A few months later, that decision proved to be, as she says in the video, one of the best she’s ever made.

Shockley Story

Living Benefits are valuable financial tool that not only protects loved ones in the event of death but also provides a safety net during life's unexpected challenges.

No extra cost

Comes with your policy

Provides peace of mind

How we've helped.

Don't just take our word for it! Learn about how Living Benefits have protected our real clients and their families. 

"I never thought it would be me."

"It lifted a burden."

“This is your future that you're thinking about.”

"All that stress just evaporated instantly."

When Amanda Thomas was diagnosed with thoracic cancer shortly after delivering their fourth child, her family’s world was turned upside down. She would spend ...

Do you have the old kind or the new kind?

Kids say the darndest things, don't they?

Forget  GoFundMe!

GoFundYourself with Living Benefits!

Living Benefits Life Insurance

"It was one thing off our plate."

Keith Rowe was in the best shape of his life. As a soldier on active duty, he was fit and healthy. He has no idea that he would soon...

"I tell everyone I know about Living Benefits."

"They didn't have Living Benefits back then."

"The most important thing you can do for your family."

Living Benefits life insurance ensures that you have access to crucial money when you - and they - need it most. If you suffer a major illness or injury, you'll be able to accelerate your policy's death benefit while you're still living. Add in the fact that it costs the same as traditional life insurance, and getting Living Benefits is a decision as easy as 1-2-3!

Life Insurance Solutions for Business Owners

As the driving force behind their businesses, the sudden loss of a business owner can have profound consequences on the company's operations, financial stability, and long-term success. 

Life Insurance for Homeowners

Why Mortgage Protection Insurance?

Mortgage Protection plans provide the protection of both a death benefit and Living Benefits, meaning that no matter what life throws your way, you'll be able to access much-needed funds. It's the smart, forward-thinking solution for any homeowner. If you own a home and are currently paying off a mortgage, you should have mortgage protection life insurance in place, also known as home life insurance.‍

Owning life insurance is a smart idea for anyone who earns money and has a family, but life insurance for homeowners is an absolute must. The last thing any parent or spouse wants to do is leave behind a big mortgage debt for their surviving family to pay off after just having lost a loved one (and a big portion of the family’s income in the process).

Mortgage Protection

A Mortgage Protection Plan is the smartest, most efficient way to safeguard your most important assets. These simple, affordable plans protect you and your family from slipping into foreclosure if unexpected events occur that could threaten your ability to make your mortgage payments on time.

Money-Making Machine

Take a second and imagine you have a money-making machine in your garage or basement. This machine prints money all day long and always prints enough to cover your mortgage payments. Would you take just a tiny portion of that printed money to insure that machine in case it breaks down?

Rule of 72

Learn how to use the Rule of 72 to determine how long it will take your money to double in any interest-bearing account...

Impact of Taxes

The biggest difference between the wealthy and the middle class is the time the wealthy spend thinking of ways to minimize...

Need to
Invest Early

Procrastinating is one of the most damaging things you can do when it comes to your retirement savings. But there is still...

Compound Interest

While it may be compound, it's not complex! Learn more about how compound interest can be your best...

College Planning

As tuition costs continue to skyrocket, proper planning for your child's college expenses is becoming more...

Forget GoFundMe!

GoFundYourself with Living Benefits!

GoFundMe is a wonderful tool that allows us to help friends, family, and fellow human beings who are in desperate need of financial help after an unexpected health event. However, all research and statistics show that GoFundMe is not a reliable source of funds and should not be your backup plan if something goes suddenly sideways with your health!

GoFundMe is not a reliable backup plan if you get sick.

 Did you know?

- Only 12% of GoFundMe campaigns reach their funding goal.

- More than 16% of GoFundMe campaigns go completely unfunded.

Forget GoFundMe! GoFundYourself with Living Benefits!

But how to secure your finances?


By Nicole J. Aspenson

The toolkit is a downloadable bonus you get when you preorder the book.

It includes checklists, exercises and resources designed to help you manage your finances as you transition corporate to entrepreneurship. Preorder Now and Get Your Free Financial Freedom Toolkit!

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All Rights Reserved. © 2024 by Alliance Group, LLC | The Living Benefits Leader | All Rights Reserved | Note: Not all products available in all states.

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